miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Wednesday, 2nd December 2020

Hi again!

Today I post several questions that will help you to review the unit and it is also included a timelime of 19th century to help you sequence (order) the different political changes that took place in this period.


1) In what type of monarchy is power centered on the king?

2) In what type of monarchy the king´s power is limited by a Constitution?

3) When was the first Spanish constitution?

4) During the 19th century took place very important changes in our country. Name one social and political change.

5) When did the War of Independence start in Spain? Who fought?

6) What type of king was Fernando VII at the beginning of his reign? Constitutional or absolutist?

7) What is the "Trienio Liberal"?

8) Complete the following charts about the kings or queen written with the most important facts. There is one that is given to you (First Republic)😉

Fernando VII


Type of monarchy or government:

Events (allies, enemies, problems,etc)



Isabel II


Type of monarchy or government:

Events (allies, enemies, problems,etc)




 First Republic

Period: 1873-1874

Type of monarchy or government: There is no monarchy, there is a republic where the governor is a president.

Events (allies, enemies, problems,etc)

* Big instability in the parliament because all the political parties were confornted: Progressives, moderates, members of the nobility who wanted an absolutist monarchy, etc.

* Military coup to control the situation and to restore the monarchy in Spain.

Alfonso XII


Type of monarchy or government:

Events (allies, enemies, problems,etc)






Kids, the purpose of this timeline is to help your mind order all the events occured during the 19th century. How can you use it? You can use it as you want. Here you are two possible suggestions: 

- After reading the notes, close the notebook and try to remember the most important facts occured under each reign.

- With the notebook open, see the different kings in the timeline and read the notes about them.


lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020


Monday, 30th November 2020

Year 6 A students! I cannot upload the file about the 19th century. The system doesnt allow to do it. Sorry.

I have prepared the copies to you, so tommorrow I will give them at 9a.m

Sorry for the inconvinience