Dear Year 6 students:
Today we launch a new blog for you. I hope it will be useful for everyone.
From today homework for English subjects will be published here. I wish you have a very good day and don’t forget that...
What do you think this sentence mean? You don’t need to answer now 😅 Don’t worry! Kisses and hugs from your teacher.
- Today I want you to practice some Ket and Pet tests.
* Ket students:
Clic on “Free resources” at the bottom, then click on “A2 Key for schools”.
Here you will find some materials to investigate about your exam. You can have a look at them whenever you can, but today you should focus on the target tasks.
Clic on to A2 Ket sample papers. New simple papers for students to Practice with.
Practice your reading and writing activities from page 2 to 7. Write your answers as always. For example:
Part 1, number and answer.
Part 2, number and answer.
* Pet students:
Clic on “Free resources” at the bottom and clic also on ”B1 Preliminary for schools”.
Then do the same on ”Preliminary for schools sample papers. Understand and practice the new exam format”.
You will find a reading and writing sample test where you will work from page 2 to 7. Transfer your answers as we use to do at school. For example:
Part 1, number and answer.
Part 2, number and answer.
Let’s review about electricity and electromagnetism through these activities. Once more, you don’t need to copy any instruction. Just the title (Electricity and Magnetism) on the top, number of activity and the answer.