jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

Friday, 3rd April 2020

Podeis seguir mandando saludos, trabajos atrasados, o cualquier incidencia que os resulte relevante comentarme al correo: 


¡Felices vacaciones!

You can continue sending greetings, late work or any incident that is relevant to you by email:


Happy holidays!

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Thursday, 2nd April 2020
Today in English you will start checking the ten sentences you did yesterday. Secondly you will learn about the Past perfect or Pasado perfecto: How is it used, its structure, time expressions and one activity to practice.

In Social Science we will see the European climates with the help of your book.
I have joined units 4 and 5 to make the European relief, hydrography and climatology simpler. The idea is that you just have to know about the most important mountains, rivers and climates in our continent. I am just interested in that you place well all those elements in a map and basic notions about climates.


Por favor, si tenéis alguna incidencia no os agobiéis. En ése mismo correo me lo podéis comunicar.

1) Selfcorrection: “Past simple or Present perfect” worksheet. The one from yesterday.
1  won
2 haven’t  seen
3 have built
4 revised
5 decided
6 haven’t finished
7 elected
8 built
9 hasn’t rained
10 always wanted/ has sent

2) Grammar: Past perfect (pasado perfecto):

See this chart to compare this new verb tense with the past simple one which it is more familiar to you:
  Anoche vi la televisión.                              
    Henry pintó la valla todo el día de ayer.      
    Yo había cenado antes de que ellos vinieran.
     Tilley había visto esa película antes de que estuviera en la tele.

If you notice, in the past perfect tense (en el pasado perfecto) the action occurs before another action in the past.
Example: I had eaten dinner before they came.
          This action occurred first!
               I had left my grandma’s house when she came.
          (Había dejado la casa de mi abuela cuando ella llegó o Ya me había ido de la la casa de mi abuela cuando ella llegó)

- Structure:

- Time expressions:

- Some examples to help you:

👉Richard había salido cuando su mujer llegó a la oficina.
👉Christine nunca había estado en la ópera antes de anoche.
👉 Había estado en Londres dos veces cuando conseguí un trabajo en Nueva York.

3) Activity:  Now it’s time to practice! Answers tomorrow! 😉
Complete these sentences on your notebook. See that the ones on the left are in the well known past simple while the ones on the right are in past perfect. Translating the sentences in your mind will help you understand them better. 

- Wordlist page 73: You just have to look up the words about the European climate. Forget the ones about European rivers.
- Read pages 68 and 69 on your book.
- Watch this video:
- Complete on your notebook the following activities: Page 72, 5. Page 73, 6, 7 and 9.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Wednesday, 1st April 2020

Good morning dear kids! We are already in April. Can you believe it? Time goes by so fast...
Today let’s practice with grammar and continue with the respiratory system in Natural. Yesterday there was a problem with the crossword answers so I’ll pass you the answers again. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Activity book page 55:
2 level
3 project
4 instructions
5 mark
6 essay

If you remember in this unit we have worked the following verb tenses: Past simple (pasado simple), present perfect (presente perfecto) and Past perfect (pasado perfecto)
I want to finish working with them between today and tomorrow. So we will practice with past simple and present perfect today and tomorrow with the past perfect tense.

- Here there are two summaries with the main differences between both verb tenses:

- Time for an interactive activity! Sort out first different time expressions with the corresponding verb tense.
Secondly decide what sentences are written in past simple (because the action finished in a specific period of time) or in present perfect (you don’t know when the action exactly finished)
The third part consists in placing the verbs in the right column.
                      Clic on “terminado” to see check your answers.

- This last activity isn’t interactive. Do it on your notebook from sentence 1 to 10. Answers tomorrow! 😉

-Read again pages 22 and 23.
- Page 32, activities from 1 to 5.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

Monday, 30th March 2020

Buenos días queridos niños de 6ºA y 6ºB. Feliz comienzo de semana para todos. Ayer hizo un día precioso y confieso que tuve la tentación de salir y darme una vuelta. Pero no lo hice. Me echó para atrás el riesgo que ello implicaría y el mal ejemplo que daría a otras personas.

Así que me quedé deleitando los rayos de sol desde mi ventana. Contando los días en que calculo a ciegas el fin del confinamiento... Y entonces me pregunté -¿Contando los días? Hoy es hoy y aunque esté en casa no puedo pasar el día dejando el tiempo pasar.-

Y vosotros ¿que hacéis? ¿Contáis los días o hacéis que cuenten los días? 🤔 Pues haréis como yo. A ratos los contaréis y otros no, ¿verdad? Los niños nos sorprendéis a los mayores muchas veces. La mamá de una amiga mía me contó que su hija dice que es feliz porque tiene todo el tiempo del mundo para hacer lo que le gusta. Deseo que a vosotros os pase lo mismo.

                                                BESOS Y ABRAZOS

Incluimos un capítulo más a nuestro diario de éste confinamiento por cuarentena. Recordad que es escribir un breve resumen de la semana anterior. Cuando volvamos compartiremos nuestros diarios para aprender de las vivencias de unos y de otros. ¡Yo estoy escribiendo el mío!


Let’s remember and practice some words related with school. You will also do a Pet activity from your Activity Book that will be useful for everyone.

- Look up these words in the dictionary and write the meaning on your notebook: certificate, course, essay, information, instructions, level, mark, project, term and test.
- Pupil’s Book: Page 55, activity 3. You don’t need to listen anything to do it.
- Activity Book: Page 55, 1 and 2. Page 56, 1.

I’ll give you the answers tomorrow! 😉


If you remember we started the second part of human nutrition last Thursday. You looked up the wordlist words in your dictionary and you read the introduction reading in unit 2.
Let’s continue today watching a video about the respiratory system:


Now read pages 22 and 23 in your Natural Science book and do activities:
Page 22 from 1 to 5
Page 23, 6 and 7.
 I’ll give you the answers tomorrow! 😉