jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

FRIDAY, 15 th APRIL 2020

Good morning everyone!

Yes, it is Friday! We cannot go out from home but you can relax during the weekend without Carolina’s blog 🌈 😉
In English we will start reading Excalibur. Don’t worry if you left the book in our school. I pass you here a link where you can download it and read chapter 1 “The lady of the lake”.
 Please if you have problems to find it or download it let me know to help you. There’s enough time to read till next Friday. So no worries.
Si téneis problemas para leer el libro online o descargarlo, decídmelo para ayudaros. Tenéis tiempo para leerlo hasta el próximo viernes.

In Natural Science you will read two pages about the circulatory system and do some activities.


Excalibur book:
Read chapter 1 “ The lady of the lake”.

Comprehension Activities:
Complete these activities:

1)Read pages 24 and 25.
2) Do activities from 1 to 6, page 24 and activities from 7 to 11 on page 25.
Answers next Monday 😉

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


Hi! How are you doing?
I hope that you are well. You can contact with me through my email sextoinglesesperanza@gmail.com
You can ask me questions, tell me if you have problems...

In English we are going to work one single verb tense in grammar that forms part of this unit you have recently started. It is the present perfect continuous or presente perfecto continuo.
In Natural Science let’s review the respiratory system through some questions and we will start the circulatory system.
Don’t forget studying Social Science! You have a test on Tuesday, 21st. 


If you remember in unit 5 you worked about the present perfect or presente perfecto. In unit 6 we give one step more from this last tense and we are going to learn the present perfect continuous.
What’s the difference between them?

- The structure:

- The use:


                                  Tom has mended his bike one day ago.

Watch these two videos about the present perfect continuous. I wish you find them useful to understand it better:


Now get your PB or Pupil’s Book and go to page 125. Read UNIT 6 Present perfect continuous.

Finally you will practice about this verb tense using this interactive activity where you can check your own answers. Remember that it is formed this way:
                                       Have/has + been+ ing verb
My dad has been working on the computer the whole morning. Mi padre ha estado trabajando con el presentador toda la mañana.
I have been studying English since I was a child. He estado estudiando Inglés desde que era niño.


1) Answer these questions about the respiratory system:

a) What are the parts of the respiratory tract?
b) Where are the lungs and what muscle is below them?
c) What are the lungs made up?
d) What is the respiratory system job?
e) What is inhalation?
f) What is exhalation?
g) In what process do the lungs contract themselves? Inhalation or exhalation?
h) In what process do they expand?
i) Explain how do the Gad exchange occur in our respiratory system.

2) The circulatory system:


3) Study for you Social Science test!

martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Hi again dear 6A and 6B! 

1) Self correction:
AB: 67, activity1: 
2 a hairdresser
3 a cleaner
4 a scientist
5 a musician
6 a sailor
7 a librarian
8 a politician
AB: 67, activity 2:
1 postman
2 publisher
3 programmer
4 architect
5 hairdresser
6 cleaner
PB: 69, grammar look:
1 must
2 may, might or could
3 can’t
PB: 125, 1:
1 can’t
2 couldn’t
3 can’t
4 might
5 can
6 must

2) PB Page 70. Here you will work more vocabulary related with work.
3) Time to practice some grammar. Let’s continue with modals of probability/deduction. Watch this video about them:


4) PB page 69, activity 1.
5) Continue practicing the modals of probability/deduction with the following interactive activity. It consists in three activities, so make sure that you move onto the next page at the bottom. Don’t forget to check your answers!

1)Please, review pages 68 and 69 in your Social Science book and the maps of the relief and hidrography of Europe. Don’t start the following activities without reviewing the mentioned stuff.

2) Answer the questions on your notebook:
a) Europe has two main climates. They are the ____________ and the ______________.
b) Why are there four seasons in Europe?
c) Name the characterized 5 subclimates of the European temperate climate.
d) Describe the subarctic zone.
e) Place different European climates on the map:

3) Practice the relief of Europe with this interactive map:

4) Practice the hidrography of Europe with this interactive map:

5) Study the climates of Europe (pages 68 and 69), the relief and the hidrography of Europe (maps)
You will have a test next Tuesday, 21st April 😬

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

TUESDAY, 14th APRIL 2020

Good morning! 
How are you kids? I wish you are fine and that you had good Easter holidays. I wonder if you ate some torrijas and Easter eggs 🤔. Yummy... 

But the most important thing is if these holidays were useful to start strong this new term.

Today we will practice vocabulary and some grammar in English: The modal verbs (must, may, could, might)
In Natural Science let’s review the respiratory system and in Social Science the rivers and mountains of Europe.

The activities are only sent when I specify it through the blog. For example, you don't have to send anything today.
Las actividades se envían solamente cuando lo especifique a través del blog. Por ejemplo, hoy no tenéis que enviar nada. 

 COME ON! 💪🏽

- Review the meaning of these vocabulary words about emotions: interested, nervous, calm, delighted, confused, disappointed, confident, excited, worried, project, type, certificate, essay, qualification, test.
- Review the past simple of the irregular verbs in English.  It’s essential you know them to use past tenses well! If you don’t have any list, here you are one:


- Pupil’s Book page 67, 1
- Activity book page 67, 1 and 2.
- Pupil’s Book page 69, read the Grammar Look chart. Page 124, read the grammar the information about the modal verbs, page 125, activity 1.
                                         ANSWERS TOMORROW 😉

- Read again pages 22 and 23 on your book.
- Write a summary of both pages.

- Study the map of rivers, seas and the relief of Europe. 
- Read pages 68 and 69.