viernes, 28 de enero de 2022



Today we practiced John Lennon´s Imagine song:

On the occasion of Peace Day, children can come to school with something white on 31st January: a sweater, a tracksuit, trousers, leggings, a woolly hat, a scarf... whatever.

Con motivo del Día de la Paz el lunes 31 de enero, los niños pueden venir con algo blanco al colegio: sudadera, un chándal, pantalones, leggins, un gorro, una bufanda... lo que sea. 

Why? Because color white represents peace ✌


Keep studying pages 46 and 47 in your book or in the summary you copied last day.

Do activities 2 and 3, page 47.


Study the past simple of regular verbs list.

You can also practice with this game:


We made a PEACE FLAG with a white paper. Design is free.

This flags will be used in the playground when we sing Imagine.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022



Today we have sung John Lennon's song "Imagine". Click on the links below to watch the videos and sing:

Students from 5th and 6th grade will sing this song on 31st Monday in the playground.

1) Review this chart about modal verbs:





Ability/inability, possibility, permission



Ability/inability in the past, possibility, permission



Possibility, permission






Imagined situation, offer



Suggestion, advice


2) Write the affirmative, negative or question form of these past simple sentences:

 1)+ My friends went skiing last holidays.

     - My friends didn´t go skiing last holidays.

    ? Did my friends go skiing last holidays?

2) + The train stopped in platform 7.

- The train didn't stop in platform 7.

? Did the train stop in platform 7?

3) + The canary flew out of the cage.

    - The canary didn't fly out of the cage.

? Did the canary fly out of the cage?

4) + The coach trained the football team in the beach.

     - The coach didn't train the football team in the beach.

     ? Did the coach train the football team in the beach?

2) STUDY the regular verbs list. EXAM: 31ST JANUARY


1) Underline important ideas from the summary you copied yesterday and study:


Pages 46, 47

    An ecosystem is a place where living and non living things interact each other. It can be different sizes: microscopic, medium size, huge…

It is formed by:

- Biotope: The non living things that are there (sand, rocks, soil, water, temperature, sun…)

- Biocenosis: The living things in the area (animals, plants, microorganisms, humans)

         The afore mentioned elements interact each other in a perfect balance and any change introduced in an ecosystem has big consequences on it.

         Living things group each other in :

- Population: when living things same specie live together (lions, zebras, wolves…)

- Community: when different species population share the same ecosystem and place.

    In a population living things the same specie can:

-form a family: lions, tigers.

-form an association: bees, ants (live in groups where every member has a specific role)

-have a gregarious association: storks (migrate in groups to protect from predators)

    In a community of different species can exist interspecific relationships:

-parasitism: a specie benefits from other specie damaging it (lices, ticks)

-mutualism: two different species benefit from each other (birds and hippos.

-comensalism: a specie benefits from other specie without damaging it (scavengers, orchids, hermit crab)

martes, 25 de enero de 2022


- Pupil´s book page 36: read the text on activity 2 and do activty 3 in your English notebook.


1) Watch these videos. They will introduce you to unit 3 Ecosystems:



2) Read pages 46 and 47.

- Page 47, actitivities 2 and 3.