miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022



Today we have sung John Lennon's song "Imagine". Click on the links below to watch the videos and sing:



Students from 5th and 6th grade will sing this song on 31st Monday in the playground.

1) Review this chart about modal verbs:





Ability/inability, possibility, permission



Ability/inability in the past, possibility, permission



Possibility, permission






Imagined situation, offer



Suggestion, advice


2) Write the affirmative, negative or question form of these past simple sentences:

 1)+ My friends went skiing last holidays.

     - My friends didn´t go skiing last holidays.

    ? Did my friends go skiing last holidays?

2) + The train stopped in platform 7.

- The train didn't stop in platform 7.

? Did the train stop in platform 7?

3) + The canary flew out of the cage.

    - The canary didn't fly out of the cage.

? Did the canary fly out of the cage?

4) + The coach trained the football team in the beach.

     - The coach didn't train the football team in the beach.

     ? Did the coach train the football team in the beach?

2) STUDY the regular verbs list. EXAM: 31ST JANUARY


1) Underline important ideas from the summary you copied yesterday and study:


Pages 46, 47

    An ecosystem is a place where living and non living things interact each other. It can be different sizes: microscopic, medium size, huge…

It is formed by:

- Biotope: The non living things that are there (sand, rocks, soil, water, temperature, sun…)

- Biocenosis: The living things in the area (animals, plants, microorganisms, humans)

         The afore mentioned elements interact each other in a perfect balance and any change introduced in an ecosystem has big consequences on it.

         Living things group each other in :

- Population: when living things same specie live together (lions, zebras, wolves…)

- Community: when different species population share the same ecosystem and place.

    In a population living things the same specie can:

-form a family: lions, tigers.

-form an association: bees, ants (live in groups where every member has a specific role)

-have a gregarious association: storks (migrate in groups to protect from predators)

    In a community of different species can exist interspecific relationships:

-parasitism: a specie benefits from other specie damaging it (lices, ticks)

-mutualism: two different species benefit from each other (birds and hippos.

-comensalism: a specie benefits from other specie without damaging it (scavengers, orchids, hermit crab)