Tuesday, 19th January 2021
Good morning!!! ☕️🥐🍊
Tema: ZOOM MEETING 6A 13:00 p.m
Hora: 19 ene. 2021 01:00 p. m. Madrid
ID de reunión: 757 4281 8435
Código de acceso: bQf169
Tema: ZOOM MEETING 6B 13:30p.m
Hora: 19 ene. 2021 01:30 p. m. Madrid
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 774 3658 5460
Código de acceso: ecE7p7
-Read the following text: PB pages 34 and 35. DON’T SEND ME ANY ACTIVITY TODAY. WE’LL CORRECT TOMORROW IN CLASS.
-Now do the following activities: AB Page 34 from 1 to 4.
In this subject we are going to do something related with Art in the Modern Age.
In the presentations you watched last week, you saw two different artistic styles that took place during that period of time: The Renaissance and the Baroque.
Teacher Susana (Arts teacher in group C) and I want you:
1st) To look in the internet for a painting or a sculpture that belongs to any of those artistic styles.
2nd) Print it at home.
3rd) Write on a piece of paper the artist’s name, title of the art piece and what does it represent.
Author: El Greco.
Style: Renaissance.
Title: The burial of Count Orgaz (“El entierro del Conde Orgaz”)
This painting represents how Count Orgaz is being buried after his death. Around him there are priests, friends and family members. At the top you can see the paradise with famous characters of the Bible as the Virgin Mary, Jesuschrist, angels and saints.
They are as if waiting for the arrival of the count to paradise.
Group C students will bring the printing and the information on Wednesday 20th because your Arts class with Susana is that day. Students from groups A and B will bring it on Thursday 21st.
Inés, Marcos, Marta: Painting, Renaissance.
Jose, Mario: Sculpture, Renaissance.
Aitor, Jasmin: Painting, Baroque.
Sandra, Ismael, Fio: Sculpture, Baroque.
Diego, Rocío, Irene Arredondo, Adrián, David García: Painting, Renaissance.
Manuel, Alex, Erik, Silvia, Carla: Sculpture Renaissance.
Sofía, Sara, Iván, Rosana, Abril: Painting, Baroque.
Sandra Rodríguez, Ana, Irene Soto, Lara, Álvaro: Sculpture Baroque.
Iker, Sergio, Alma, Juliana, Angelo: Painting, Renaissance.
Natalia, Samuel,Carlota, Oliver, Iratxe: Sculpture, Renaissance.
Alberto, Amanda, Salomé, David Ruiz, Hugo: Painting, Baroque.
Nerea, Claudia, Gaizka, Wen Hao: Sculpture, Baroque.