domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

MONDAY 20th APRIL 2020

Hi Year 6A and B!
Today is an opportunity to start again, to believe that we can find things to do during the day. Even more when it seems that you will go out home in few days. So today it’s a good Monday. 
Don’t forget you can write an email to tell me how are you if you wish. Puedes escribirlo en español 😅 Si necesitáis contarme como estáis, si tenéis dificultades en las tareas, si estáis hasta el gorro de ellas, como lleváis el confinamiento, si estáis tristes o superhappy sin venir al cole, si, si, si... Lo que sea. No es obligatorio. Sólo quiero que sepáis que estoy al otro lado de la pantalla y que si me necesitáis, aquí estoy. 

  Fine, let’s start our Monday 💪🏻
Today and tomorrow I want to review grammar. Let’s practice past simple and present perfect today and tomorrow you will do same about past perfect. These grammar tenses are the ones we have been working in unit 5. 
1) Review the past simple and the present perfect tense, PB page 123, unit 5 part. Be good and don’t skip this step!

2) Read carefully the explanations given next. I hope they will be useful to you:
The charts I show you now are about the type of time expressions used in each tense. This information gives you a trick to distinguish when you have to use one or the other 😉

Next I want you help you remember when you can use both:

4) Use the read information to complete the following interactive activities.. Paying attention to time expressions in the sentences will give you the clue to use the appropriate verb tense. Don’t you remember them? See them above again and complete the activities.

5) Review the vocabulary words in unit 5. You will have an English test soon. I will tell you when during the week.
1) Selfcorrection: Activities on pages 24 and 25.

2) Summarize pages 24 and 25 on your notebook.
3) Read page 26. 
4) Watch these videos about the heartbeat:
5) Copy this diagram of the heart. Label its parts in English and in Spanish.

Don’t forget to study Social Science! See you tomorrow!