Good morning!

In Spain, the Book Day started when Alfonso XIII signed a Royal Decree in 1926, which officially created the "Spanish Book Festival". The date set for the event was October 7 because the birth of Cervantes but in 1930 it was modified to coincide with the date of the writer's death. That is, on April 23.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Dear kids, as you will have an exam on Tuesday 28th, I write what you have to study.
The words you have to remember are very well known for you. I just want you to remember what do they mean to use them well in a fill the gap sentence. They are:
Depressed, bored/boring nervous, worried, scared/scary, confident, angry, calm, excited, surprised, confused, disappointed, curious, delighted.
Essay, qualification, certificate, test, project.
Past simple, present perfect and past perfect.
To study or review these verb tenses during the weekend you can use old posts published in the blog and your Pupil’s Book pages 123 and 124. You can also invent on a draft paper your own sentences in past simple, present perfect and past perfect.
Practicing with interactive websites as you have been doing lately, it’s also helpful. You just have to write in google: “Present perfect or past perfect activities for kids”.
Today you will practice this type of grammar with your PB page 65, activities 1 and 2. Page 78, 2, 4 and 5 (I will give the answers tomorrow)
1)First Read page 27 on your Natural Science book. Secondly read this summary:
As you already know, blood is in charge of distributing important substances to help our body work and live. Those substances are oxygen and nutrients or waste substances as carbon dioxide, sweat, urine, etc. While the first two feed our body, the other two must be transported by blood to be expelled from it And these processes must occur separately. In different circuits.
- Oxygen and nutrients (minerals, vitamins) are carried by blood along the SYSTEMIC CIRCUIT.
- Waste substances are transported through the PULMONARY CIRCUIT.
2) Selfcorrection:
Activities page 27, 4, 5 and 6.
- Let’s start looking up these words in the dictionary to know the parts of this system in Spanish:
Sweat glands
Sole (of the foot)
- Now read pages 28 and 29 in your book.
- Do the following activities on your notebook:
Page 28: 1, 4, 5 and 6.
Page 29: 7, 8 and 9.