Hi everyone!
Yes kids, the week is almost finish. Cheer up!
Today we have another chapter of Excalibur and some reading comprehension activities. Please, send me the answers with your Social Science activity (Unit 6 Spain’s organization) next Wednesday, 13th May. This way you have more time to read and complete the answers and both English and Social Science in one single mail.
Hoy tenemos otro capítulo de Excalibur y algunas actividades de lectura comprensiva. Por favor, enviad las respuestas junto con la actividad de Sociales de la unidad 6, el próximo miércoles 13 de mayo. Así tenéis más tiempo para leer, completar las respuestas y enviar ambos trabajos de Inglés y Sociales en un único correo.
The Natural Science exam is at the bottom.
1) Selfcorrection:
Our new skatepark by Jack Fletcher.
This car runs on chocolate!
2) Read chapter 2 King Arthur.
Important: Use a dictionary any time a single word or two don’t allow you understand a sentence or a paragraph.
Use this link if you don’t have the physical book:
3) Reading comprehension activities:
Please, write long answers. Avoid simple “no”, “yes”. Exercise your grammar!!

Click here to take your exam:
Natural Science exam unit 2
Continue working on your summary or diagram of unit 6 Spain’s organization for Wednesday, 13th May. You have plenty of time yet, ok?
Next Monday I will publish more speaking meetings with Brandon!