domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

MONDAY, 4th MAY 2020

Good morning kids,
Yesterday was the Mother’s Day. I hope you had a loving day. Especially towards your mom.

Mañana martes día 5 de mayo vuestros hijos podrán tener una práctica de speaking con el asistente Brandon por medio de la aplicación ZOOM. 

Para ello tendrán que descargar dicha aplicación y el martes por la mañana facilitaremos las claves de la reunión a través del blog.
La práctica será en parejas y durará unos 15 minutos cada una. 

Más abajo pongo la lista de alumnos que comenzarán ése día. 

Importante: Si por algún motivo no algún niño no puede participar en la actividad por problemas de acceso al ordenador u otro motivo, no pasa nada. ¡Cero estrés! 
Se puede hacer otro día o simplemente no hacerla. No pasa nada. Somos conscientes de la situación y sólo queremos que aprovechen tener al asistente de cara a ejercitar su habilidad comunicativa durante el confinamiento. Comprendemos que hay diversas situaciones que no siempre son fáciles de sortear. 
Me avisáis vía email y reorganizo parejas o lo que sea necesario.

10:30- 10:45 David Avanesyan y Theo.
10:55-11:10 María y Luna.
11:20-11:35 Alan y Christian.
11:45-12:00 Alejandra y Raisha.
12:10-12:25 Alex Lacuna y Pablo.
12:35-12:50 Ali y Oscar Mateo de 6 B.
13:00-13:15 Andrea y Sara Martín de 6 B.

Vemos que tal funciona éste sistema el martes y a partir de ahí público la del día siguiente.

Today Monday let’s remember the modal verbs of deduction or probability: Must, can’t, might, may, could.

1) Review page 124, unit 6 Modals of probability/deduction.

2)  Read the following chart about these modal verbs and complete the activity below on your notebook. 

Example: 0 Type 3 “She could be an engineer because she knows about robotics”

Answers tomorrow! 

3) AB page 69 activities 1 and 2.

4) If you have Brandon’s speaking interview tomorrow, go to the post published in Wednesday  29th April in this blog and watch again Brandon’s three videos“Speaking part 1 Ket”

When you finish imagine you are with Brandon and pretend you are answering his questions for part 1. This will warm you up to be ready for the practice tomorrow.
Imagine he asks you to spell your surname, your favorite school subject and why, who do you live with... I mean, the type of questions you watch in the videos.

If you don’t have the interview yet, continue with Social.


We start a new unit: Unit 6 Spain’s organization. 

As I find the book quite difficult “to digest”, I prepared a summary that you can use if you want. If not, you can follow the book. Today I publish the first part of my summary and I also wrote very easy questions to answers.
I will publish a part during the week with questions and at the end of the unit I will ask you a diagram or a summary of the unit. This means that you won’t do an exam but rather than task I have just mentioned. At the end of the week you will know when you have to send it.

1) Read part 1 of unit 6 summary titled: 1) The country.

2) Answer:
a) What type of government do we have in our country?
b) How many powers rule Spain and what are their names?
c) How is our country territorially organized?