Hello! Happy nice morning!
Please, turn on the camera. Seeing someone’s face while you talk is more pleasant than seeing a black screen. Don’t be distracted by mobiles or other technological devices. It’s very unpolite.
Aisha y Emma - Práctica de PET Speaking Parte 1 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 10:30 Madrid
Meeting ID: 784 9252 8742
Password: 0xMvMR
Ali y Ayoub - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 11:00 Madrid
Meeting ID: 794 8109 9342
Password: 1CVWNc
Nur y Andrea - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 11:30 Madrid
Meeting ID: 792 2632 1994
Password: 7KyQZR
Luna y María - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 12:00 Madrid
Meeting ID: 734 2452 3190
Password: 5cCzBN
Raisha y Sara Martín - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 12:30 Madrid
Meeting ID: 754 8618 4007
Password: 2dzhQL
Pablo y Alex Lacuna - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 13:00 Madrid
Meeting ID: 775 7327 9124
Password: 4dAP7p
Alba y Marta Lozano - Práctica de KET Speaking Parte 2 con Brandon
Time: May 12, 2020 13:30 Madrid
Meeting ID: 797 3859 3145
Password: 5TpqQu
2) Let’s continue with the present perfect continuous. Please, have a look to the following chart to remember it’s structure.
A good idea is to imagine several sentences in English while you are watching its formation in affirmative, negative and question.
In Spanish this verb tense is called PRETÉRITO PERFECTO COMPUESTO.
If you find difficult to invent sentences according to the chart above, I offer you some examples. Compare them with the structures given by the chart:
* She has been writing for two hours. Ha estado escribiendo durante dos horas.
* I have been living here since 2000. Llevo viviendo aquí desde el año 2000.
* Geoffrey hasn’t been working all the afternoon. Geoffrey no ha estado trabajando toda la tarde.
* Has Julia been working in the lab for more than five years? ¿Ha estado trabajando Julia en el laboratorio más de cinco años ?
*What have they been drinking?
3) PB page 77, activity 2. Answers tomorrow 😉
4) https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/int/grammar/grammar_04_022e?cc=global&selLanguage=en
5) https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-progressive/exercises
Jesús and Mateo 10.30
Yanira and Angélica 11.00
Agustín and Diego Mishael 11.30
Amalia and Paula Solana 12.00
Ángel Bergerie and Ángel García 12:30
Iker and Paula Jiménez 13.00
David Gascón and Alexia 13.30
KET students watch the videos I posted yesterday in the blog.
PET students watch the following:
Videos will help you a lot to mantain a conversation with Brandon and your classmate. Please cwatch them in advance to the zoom meeting.
1) Wordlist Page 47 selfcorrection:
2) Use the list above to start reading the unit. Today you’re going to read these pages:
Page 36
Page 39
Just one thing before you start! These pages are about what is reproduction and how your bodies change during puberty. Those changes are produced above the eleven or twelve years old because the brain begins to secrete HORMONES (hormonas)
The names of those hormones are: Testosterone (testosterona), estrogens (estrógenos) and progesterone (progesterona)
These three hormones exist in both girls and boys but in different number. The average is that boys have more testosterone while girls have more estrogens and progesterone.
The amount of hormones produce different body changes in bous and girls.
And now you can start reading!
3) Page 36, activities 1, 2 and 3.
Page 39, activities from 1 to 5.